November Newsletter
Good afternoon, Quilters!
Jeepers! It's November already! I haven't even gotten presents for my November family yet!
It's been hard to keep up this year, it going by so darn fast!
We're in the last week of the Fall Shop Hop.
It's been great fun meeting new people. We, puppers, have been getting lots of scratches and belly rubs.
Tamiya and I have been greeting so many new people, we go home, eat dinner and crash on the sofa. We do leave a spot for Mom to sit. Most of the time.....
Tamiya got so tired, she made her own bed at the Shop yesterday. She pulled out the folded quilts stacked in the buffet and made herself a cozy quilt bed.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in the Fall Shop Hop and wish everyone good luck in being a winner in the various drawings.
Mom would like to let everyone know, she's running 4-6 weeks out on servicing sewing machines. They've been really rolling in the past few weeks.
We have some new fabrics in to show you.They're from a variety of manufacturers.
We have in stock, the Pedal-Stay pedal pad. This really works! Mom got tired of chasing Grandma's foot pedal around one day while sewing something and took one out of stock to see if it would work. It works great! One of our customers who purchased one says it's her new best friend.
A new 3 yard quilt book is in. These are fantasitic books! Even Mom made a quilt for Justin's dorm bed with one of their patterns.
Don't forget Saturday is our Free Pattern and Demo Day.
It starts at 10am.
Saturday night, we have to turn the clocks back 1 hour.
Mom is grumbling about doing that. She keeps muttering that she thought they were going to get rid of changing the darn clocks. She said something about just pick a time and stick with it. Mom has a really hard time with the time change. I'm not fond of the time change either. I'm not a morning dog, just like my Mom.
We will be closed November 23rd for Thanksgiving Day. We may make a long weekend of it, since most people will be busy starting or finishing up their Christmas shopping
I will keep you posted on what we decide.
I almost forgot.
Next week's sale will be 30% Off Patterns and Books.
I think I've covered everything for now.
We hope to see you soon.
Keeping You In Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog