February Newsletter

Hello quilters!
Sorry I'm so late with the newsletter.
Grandma has been coming into the Shop for about 1/2 a day now. We have 2 computers I can reach. Both have been occupied. I can't reach the one at the cash register. I'm doing this month's newsletter from home.
No photos this month.
Mom took photos from her phone instead of her real camera and the photos won't email.
Mom said forget it. Just do the e newsletter without photos.
We have lots and lots of new batiks.
Grandma went wild and ordered about 50 bolts of the things.
If you love batiks, stop in and get stocked up.
Mom has no idea where she's going to put them all.
We learned from one of our customers, DO NOT USE BATIKS FOR POTHOLDERS OR HOTPADS!
The dye is flammable.
Tomorrow is our Free Pattern & Demo Day at 10am.
The wonderful Cathie Wiggs will be doing our Demo for us tomorrow.
If you would like to volunteer to teach one of our Demo Days, talk to Mom.
She would be happy to let you.
This year we're trying to spice things up a bit.
Sorry, this is short.
Not having any photos to show you threw me off my game.
We don't know what we did wrong trying to email photos and have no clue how to correct it.
I will have Mom take some photos of our new fabrics with the camera and get them posted.
Tomorrow is our Facebook Live Fabric Reveal Party at 1:30.
Join us to see our new fabrics, including new batiks.
We hope to see you soon.
Keeping You In Stitches ,
Obi the Wonder Dog