April Newsletter

Happy Spring! Sort of.
As many of you have noticed, we have a new person in the Shop. It's my Uncle Scott. He's camera shy, no sneak photos of him yet.
I love having my Uncle Scott around. He takes me and Tamiya for walks quite often. It's nice to have another man around the place to bond with.
Mom still isn't working on sewing machines yet. Her recovery is taking a lot longer than expected. She has had some complications during the surgery and during recovery. I will put out a newsletter when she's able to resume servicing & repairing sewing machines.
We have some new fabrics and notions in stock.

We have lots of new notions and gadgets in stock, too.

The new BLOCK magazine is in!

We will be having 30% OFF all regular priced FLANNELS from April 4th-9th.
Free Pattern & Demo Day is Saturday, April 2nd at 10am.
Don't forget our Facebook Live Fabric Reveal Party at 1:30 on Saturday, April 2nd.
Mom & Denise will be vending at the Elmira Piecemaker's Quilt Show at the Soaring Museum in Elmira April 22-24, 2022.
They will also be at the Corning Quilt Guild's Quilt Show at Watson Homestead in Cooper Plains April 30-May 1, 2022.
I will be staying here with Grandma and Uncle Scott because dogs aren't allowed at quilt shows.
Personally, I think it's discrimination against dogs. I should be able to go with them. I'm a very good boy. Everyone says so. Snort.
Gotta go! Uncle Scott is taking me and Tamiya for a walk! Wooooo Hoooo!
Have a great rest of your week!
Keeping you in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog, Moda, Tamiya the Boston Terror, Maryanne, Mary Lou & Scott