March Newsletter

Happy St. Patrick's Day a little early!
First thing I need to tell you is, Grandma and I will be opening the Shop at 11:00am on Thursday, February 24th.
That's tomorrow, by the way.
We have to take Mom to her doctor's appointment tomorrow morning before coming into work.
We will probably take Mom back home afterwards. She's not ready to spend a full day at work yet.
She will be in the Shop on Saturday. She's starting off slow. She's been out and about a few times thanks to her friends and Grandma.
Tamiya, the Boston Terror, will be here, too. My little sister will not let Mom out of her sight for very long.
We've been getting in a lot of fabrics and notions. Mostly, restocking notions. Our sales rep will be visiting us soon and she usually has some cool new gadget or two Grandma has to try out.
Mom is starting to feel like her old self again. She has some setbacks, mostly fatigue, every once in a while. She working on getting her strength and stamina back. I'm pretty sure she's ready to finish getting healed up and back to the world outside the house.
Free Pattern and Demo Day is on Saturday, March 5th. at 10 am.
We have St. Patrick's Day and Easter fabrics in stock.

We also have Flowers, critters, and paisley fabrics in.

Here's a couple of panels, too. One is a cute animal panel that would make a great baby quilt. The other is the Northern Lights. We have coordinating fabrics for both panels in stock.

We also have a book panel that is about "The Wheels on the Bus". Mom forgot to take a photo of that one on Saturday.
I think I've covered everything for this month.
I'm usually in the Shop with Grandma everyday to help her greet folks. Moda is usually with us, too.
Belly rubs and scratches are always welcomed.
Have a great week and stay warm.
Keeping You in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog, Moda and Tamiya the Bandit
Maryanne and Mary Lou