December Newsletter

Hello, everyone!
It's time for the December Newsletter. Wait, what? It's December already?! Heck, I'm still thinking it's October. What happened to November??
Dang! I'm having an awful time this year, trying to keep up with what month it is.
This pup must be getting old. Funny, I don't feel old.
We hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!
And didn't get trampled if you went out on Black Friday.
I had a great Thanksgiving and extended weekend. I got to sleep in and then move to the sofa after breakfast while Mom cooked on Thanksgiving Day. I pretty much did the same thing most all weekend while Mom got stuff fixed and cleaned around the house. Mom fixed our dryer and now I have a wonderfully clean and nice smelling blanket on the sofa. Tamiya joined me in my naps and when awake, she found lots of mischief to get into.
Anyway. It's going to be a crazy for the next few months. Mom is going to have to take some extended time off probably within the first few months of 2022. She will be letting me know when to announce the last day to bring in sewing machines so she can get them done before she has to take time off.
We will keep you updated when we get more information.
We will be closing at 12Noon on December 6th. We will, hopefully, be able to update you on the cut-off date of sewing machines drop offs soon after.
We will be resuming our Tote Bag Program for 2022.
For those not familiar with our Tote Bag Program. Every year (except last year) when you spend $100 (before taxes) you will receive an usable Tote Bag. When you bring back your tote bag throughout the year, you will receive 10% Off Regular Priced Fabrics. You cannot use the tote bag with sales, clearance, or coupons. The bags are good for the year 2022. One Tote Bag per customer. You must bring in your Tote Bag to receive your discount.
The Tote Bags will be available after January 3, 2022.
Saturday, December 4th, we will be resuming our Fabric Reveal Party Live on Facebook at 1:30pm. We will be showing some new fabrics and maybe new notions or goodies.
We will not be having our Fabric Reveal Party on December 25th or January 1, 2022.
Free Pattern and Demo Day will be on December 4th, starting at 10am.
We will be closing at 1:00pm on December 24th through January 3, 2022.
Unfortunately, I don't have any photos to share with you today. Mom's camera battery is flat. I keep telling her, she should order a backup. But she never gets around to it. I tell ya, sometimes Moms are a lot of work.
Wait! I do have one photo to share. Grandma made the raffle quilt for the Sayre Historical Society and our very dear friend and fellow quilter, Marie R. won the raffle quilt!

I think I've covered everything for now. We will keep you updated on upcoming sales and the cutoff date for sewing machines when I have it.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season!
Keeping You in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog, Moda the Bandit, Tamiya the Mischievous Puppy, Maryanne & Mary Lou