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This week's sale and etc


Helloooo, quilters!

It's Monday. It's yucky out and a good day to work on some projects.

This week, take 25% Off Regular Priced Fall Fabrics with a minimum of 1 yard cut.
This sale is also available online this week.

We would like to thank everyone that participated in the Bingo Shop Hop.  As always, we really enjoyed meeting new quilters and seeing some returning quilters to the Shop.

In other news.

I'm officially a big brother to a Boston Terrier sister. Her name is Tamiya Bean,  She very sweet and friendly.
Mom was puppy sitting Tamiya's litter mate over the weekend and Tamiya was the last pup in the litter. My big dog sisters, Mom, and I fell in love with her litter mate so Mom and her pal, Denise, went up and got my little sister last night.

Here's my little sister, Tamiya:

Moda does not like her new niece.  She's no longer the center of attention. She's really mad at my Mom. To show her disapproval, she's trying to hog Mom's attention.  Grandma loves her new Grand dog.
Boy, my little sister really snores loud. Mom says I have some competition in the snoring department.

Have a great week and we'll see you soon!

Your Pal,
Obi the Wonder Dog