Corrections on yesterday's e-newsletter

Good Morning, Folks.
Boy, did I goof up yesterday's newsletter.
First, it was supposed to be October's newsletter
Second, Free Pattern and Demo Day is on Saturday, October 16th at 10am.
Mom said we've been having a rough week because Mercury is in something called Retrograde.
She said that's why everything is going haywire this week.
From what Mom said, Mercury is a planet and twice a year it's position in the sky affects people and critters, just like the Moon Phase does.
Well, all I know is that it means I get extra ice cream trips to Bethie's Place because Mom is stressed, she's out of wine and almost out of beer.
Mom's idea of heavy drinking is two beers in one night.
Ice cream is better because I can get some, too.
I have to agree with Mom and cream is an excellent way to relax.
Mom and Grandma have also found out that I do know what the word Bethie's means.
Enough puppy ramblings. I have to go have a morning nap and treats.
Have a great weekend.
Remember, if this Mercury Retrograde thing is making you think you're loosing your mind. Just go have some ice cream.
Your tail waggin' buddy,
Obi the Wonder Dog