This week's sale and etc

Good afternoon, everyone!
We would like to thank everyone that brought some non-perishable goods for the
We received lots of goods to donate to the Bus.
Mom is going to take it over later today.

We had a great turn out on Saturday and we've contacted all the door prize winners this morning. We had a lot of door prizes to hand out

This week we have $2.00 off a yard on regular priced Fall and Halloween Fabrics until Saturday, September 25, 2021.
Minimum 1 yard cut
Cathie Wiggs will be doing her quilt show at the Sayre Historical Society Museum at the former Lehigh Valley Railroad Passenger Station on Friday, September 24, 2021 at 6:00pm.
The museum's address is:
102 South Lehigh St.
Sayre, PA

Cathie will be doing her Depression Era presentation.
Come out for a nice evening of quilting entertainment.
Mom & Grandma will be there but Mom says I have to stay home.
I tried arguing but when Mom says "No" there's no changing her mind.
She and Grandma also owe me an ice cream since I didn't get one on Saturday afternoon.
I was a very good boy on Saturday.
I got 2 hot dogs that Mom dropped & Grandma gave me some Cheetos on Saturday.
I had to nap the rest of the day on Saturday when I got home.
We'll see you soon, I hope.
Your Pal,
Obi the Wonder Dog