Temporary Closing

Good Morning, Quilters,
We will be closed today.
Grandma thinks she may have been exposed to COVID-19.
She will be finding out more later this morning with her doctor what is wrong.
We would like to assure everyone that no one except Mom has been exposed to whatever Grandma has.
It maybe she just caught an nasty bug. We should know more later today. Grandma has very limited contact with anyone other than Mom for the past year as a precaution.
We are being overly cautious and prefer to stay closed so Elizabeth can disinfect the Shop today. Elizabeth has not been exposed to her Grandmother and is not contagious, no matter what Grandma has contracted.
We will be open by Noon tomorrow.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Since Mom and I are stuck in quarantine until we find out what is going on with Grandma, sewing machine services will be taking a bit longer than anticipated.
We will keep you updated on what we find out.
We will,hopefully, see everyone again in a day or two.
Your Pal,
Obi the Wonder Dog.