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Reopening Updates Attempt #14

There is something wrong with our system, computer or operator.
So after 14 attempts and several shots of dog beer & dog treats, we are trying this one last time.

I'm not correcting any spellings or if the stupid font doesn't work I'm not correcting it.

First, our Curbside Pick Up and In Store Pick Up will be  permanent options.
So, if you're using one of these options, be sure to check the correct one.
In Store Pick Up means you come into the Shop to pick up your order.
Curbside Pick Up means we'll bring it out to your vehicle.

If you are coming into the Shop, please do not park in the designated Curbside Pick Up parking places.
It makes it easier on Mom, Grandma, & Elizabeth to run out the orders, especially, if we're busy.


MON-FRI: 10:30-2:30

We have some changed some things in the store in order to comply with the 6ft. distancing required.
Due to the tight quarters in the Shop, we will be allowing up to 4 people in the Shop at one time. When we have met maximum capacity, we will lock the front door until we are below capacity.

The following rules are still required and a few changes.
1. Face masks covering the nose and mouth are required to be worn at all times.
2. All fabric samples must be secured in a ziplock style plastic bag and not removed from the bag.
3. Purses Only will be allowed in the Shop. If you have a wine FSQS tote bag, please leave the bag at the     
   counter with us. No other bags will be allowed other that the forementioned bags.
4. No Children Under the Age of 12 allowed in Shop. They must be with an adult at all times.
5. Please keep 6ft apart from other individuals in the Shop at all times.

We don't have a yellow brick road but we do now have a green arrow trail.
Please follow the green arrow trail on the floor while in the shop. This will help with social distancing requirements.
Each aisle is now one way and we have a new check out line starting at the Fat Quarters Bin.
For the check out line, please follow the round red 6ft stickers and green arrow trail to the check out.

Mom had some problems placing her blue tape markers for the red floor stickers.
Moda kept going behind her and stealing the markers and sneaking off with her prize when Mom's back was turned. You should've seen Mom and Grandma looking for the blue tape markers.  They were checking the bottom of their shoes to see if they had stepped on them and the roll of tape to see if they were stuck to that.
Not finding them, Mom would measure out 6ft again, putting down her marker and she's stand up and another one would be missing. I bet Mom had to re measure her 6ft at least 4-5 times before Grandma found Moda's blue tape stash in the office.
That was sooo funny to watch. Mom was so confused as to why her blue tape kept disappearing. It didn't occur to her that  Moda was peeling them off the floor and stealing them.
It took her at least twice as long to get her 6foot marks done than it should've, thanks to Moda's prank.
Moda was quite proud of herself for that one.

Last thing, if you are high risk, and need to come into the Shop and don't feel comfortable with others in the Shop, please call us at 570-886-2296.
We will set up an appointment for you to come in and will keep the door locked while you are shopping. We want all of our customers to feel safe and secure in our Shop.
Our customers and Grandma's safety is our Top Priority.
If you come to the Shop during business hours and the door is locked, it means we are either to full capacity or we have a high risk customer in the Shop.

We would like to say "Thank You!" to all of our customers who have supported us and continue to support us through this crisis. Thanks to all of you using our online store and curbside pick up, we were able to keep the doors open, so to speak.  If it wasn't for your support, we probably would have ended up closing our doors permanently or at least reduced our new inventory drastically.

Keep an eye out for our new Free Pattern and Demo Day set up. We're adapting our program to our new situation.

Your Pal,
Obi the Wonder Dog