The day you've been waiting for is here

Hello everyone!
The day has finally arrived when we can put out the OPEN FLAG!
My tail is just a waggin'!
Finally! I can get more ear scratches and belly rubs.
I really miss greeting all of my customers.
I figured out, Mom will let me go outside to greet people if I be a good boy and stay either next to her, on the sidewalk or in the grass by the fence.
I learned that all by myself! Mom didn't teach me to do it.
I'm a smart puppy dog.
We're getting a late start on reopening, Mom had a bad bout of vertigo that sidelined her getting the Shop ready for our re-opening. But we're back on track.
Mom also was having a problem with Moda stealing her blue tape markers for our 6ft. distance floor stickers.
Every time Mom would put one down, Moda would wait until she turned her back and steal the marker off the floor and sneak off with it.
Mom couldn't figure out where they were going.
She and Grandma were checking the bottom of their shoes, thinking they had stepped on them and peeled them off the floor.
Meanwhile, Moda was sneaking off to the Office with her prize.
It was funny watching them trying to figure out what happened to the blue tape markers.
There are some changes in the Shop. Some are temporary, some are permanent.
We have new Saturday hours that will be permanent.
Our Curbside Pick Up is a permanent option and will have it's own hours.
So, with that said, let's begin with our hours of operation.