May Newsletter

Hello folks!
It's a rainy day here today. Tonight, I went outside to play in the rain with my Lab sister and stole Mom's seat on the sofa. Got it all wet, too. My sister tried getting onto Mom's lap. We love to pick on Mom.
Even though you folks can't come into the Shop, Mom does let me go out with her sometimes to take out people's orders. That has made me feel better since my greeting duties in the Shop have been on hold. I miss seeing all of you and getting ear scratches and treats. I'm a very good boy about staying near Mom and not wandering around the parking lot where I might get hurt.
Yesterday, I embarrassed Mom by getting into a customer's car. The customer and I thought it was funny. I hopped out when Mom told me to.
I wasn't interested in going out into the rain today and stayed under the cover of the porch roof and watched Mom run out into the rain to deliver folks orders. Moda came out a couple of times with us and she hates getting wet so she stayed under cover too.
Mom was safe from me embarrassing her today.
We still have elastic in stock, in addition to our fabrics and notions.
We have gotten some new buttons in for the bands that keep the elastic on the masks off people's ears.
The new BLOCK magazine is in. We have lots of copies and they're on sale! It's available to order through our website. Remember, you can choose either Curbside Pick up or Shipping. If your shipping, you may want to throw a few other items in your cart to make it worth while having it shipped.
We have jeans needles back in stock. They work great for making face masks, going through all that material.
Keep an eye out for the Wonder Clips being restocked.
Creative Grids 6" x 12" rulers are in.
We have Best Press and spray adhesives in stock but you do need to call to order them. They aren't on our website.
Our batting is on the website but you have to call for that, as well.
We are asking folks if you order to please use the website. We've had problems with credit card numbers not written down properly & forgotten to ask for phone numbers and wrong phone numbers either given or written down & unable to contact people about their orders when people call us to place orders.
It's much easier on us, you and other customers if you order online.
We've been very busy, thankfully, but are tired at the end of week and are making mistakes and forgetting things.
By ordering online, all the information to contact you is in front of use in print and it's much easier and faster to get your orders filled and ready for you to pick up.
When ordering curbside pick up, don't forget to list your phone number.
We will call you when your order is ready for pick up.
At this time, Mom is estimating sewing machine service is about 3-4 weeks out.
She's working on sewing machines in between filling orders and running orders out to the customers.
The broken sewing machines keep rolling in with so many people trying to make face masks.
We've been having live tutorials on Grandma's Spring Mystery Quilt on every Tuesday at 3pm on our Facebook Page.
We're planning on having more, we have several boxes of new fabrics waiting for to find time to get them into the system and we want to do a Facebook Live reveal on the new fabrics.
I think that's all the news I have for the monthly newsletter.
It's a bit long but I haven't had a lot of time to send out pupdates, I mean updates.
I hear snoring. It may be Mom dozing on the sofa.
Have a wonderful weekend and I sure hope it quits raining.
Stay safe and healthy.
Your Pal,
Obi the Wonder Dog