January Newsletter

Happy New Year, Quilters!
I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year celebration.
I've had a relaxing week.
But I'm ready to go back to work.
Today, I'm laying on the sofa writing this month's newsletter.
Mom didn't end the year very well.
She whacked her bad knee on Christmas Eve. We spent Christmas day with her elevating & icing her knee. My dog & cat brothers and sisters did our best to help her. She's on the mend but will still be moving a little slow and carefully when we get back to work.
This is how I spent my vacation:

It was hard working keeping the sofa down this week. Not to mention, stealing Mom's spot, blanket and pillow.
My dog sister, Chardonay, cat brothers Luigi & Tigger Hooligan, and cat sisters Otter & Daffy. helped me keep the sofa down and keeping Mom off it. Mom did buy the furniture for us, didn't she?
We've got a few boxes of fabric waiting to be opened and put into inventory. We'll have several new fabrics out on the shelves in a few days after we reopen.
We're going to be busy getting all the new fabrics out on the shelves this week and probably into next week.
I will try to get some photos of our new fabrics out in a short email next week after we get them on the shelves.
We'll be back in the Shop tomorrow morning at 10am.
This Saturday we will be having our Demo Day, starting at 10am.
We have our new 2020 tote bags in for our Tote Bag Program.
For our new friends, if you spend $100.00 in one transaction, you will receive a reusable tote bag.
Bring in the tote bag during 2020 and receive 10% off regular priced fabrics on the bolt.
You must bring in the tote bag in order to receive your 10% Off.
There is a limited number of reusable bags available.
This year's bag is good until December 24, 2020.
Each year we change the color of the bags.
If you have a yellow 2019 bag, your discount has expired.
The Sewing Group will be meeting Monday, January 27, 2020 at 10am-2pm for a sew in and meeting.
All are invited to join them.
Anytime of sewing is encouraged. Quilting, bags, clothing, whatever you love to sew.
Anyone joining them are asked to bring a dish to pass for lunch.
We will provide coffee, tea and water.
We will have a few surprises coming in 2020.
Mom has been working hard to bring them to the Shop.
HAPPY NEW YEAR and we hope to see you soon.
Keeping You in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog, Maryanne & Mary Lou