November Newsletter

Hellllloooo Quilting Friends!
It's a beautiful Fall day outside. It looks to be the last one for a while. I love the nice days but the Husky in me is ready for some of the white stuff. I love to burrow in it and sometimes I really get the zoomies when it's a couple of feet deep.
Mom keeps telling me to hush about the white stuff.
Anyway, Happy Halloween to everyone!
Mom has been too busy this month to get me a Halloween customer. Thank Goodness. My older sister loves to dress up but I'm not thrilled about it. The ties on my collars are bad enough. My new collar doesn't have a tie. I lost my Hawaiian collar and I don't know where it is. Mom thinks I lost it in the back yard playing with my oldest sister but I can't find it. Mom says I'm not looking hard enough.
We have a lot of Christmas Stocking makers out there this year. Mom & Grandma ordered 2 bolts of fusible fleece so we wouldn't run out again. We are stocked up for our stocking makers.
I want to remind everyone the Quilter's Bingo Shop Hop begins this Friday, November 1-16, 2019. You can pick up your Bingo Card, participating Shops list & rules starting Friday. It's a great reason to go for a nice fall drive and look at the leaves.

We are looking forward to participating in this new Shop Hop and helping introducing our customers to some fabric shops you may not have been to. We are looking forward to making some new friends who may not have heard of our shop. More friends means Moda and I will have more people to pet us and give us attention.
This Saturday, November 2, 2019 is our Free Pattern and Demo Day. 10a-11a I'm looking forward to seeing all my ladies this Saturday. Free Pattern and Demo Day is my favorite day of the month. I get lots & lots of attention and some of my lovely ladies share their treats with me. Some even bring me my own treats.
Friday, November 25th at 6:30p is the National Sewing Guild Meeting here at the Shop. It is open to all different sewers, quilting, garment, fabric arts, etc.
The Poppins Bag is the hot pattern this Fall. Mom has ordered patterns in all 3 sizes, extra hardware & stabilizer. They should be in by the end of the week. We had a lovely lady in last week that has used panels instead of yardage to make the Poppins Bag.
Moda's Milestones Collection should be arriving in the Shop in the next few days. We bought most of the entire collection. We're excited to get it in and on the shelves. We've gotten a few odd and ends fabrics in this past month
Hoffman's Dream Big and Super Nova panels. These panels are huge! 43" x 43"

We have some motor boats, coffee themed and cute little hearts fabrics

Mom is about 2 weeks out with sewing machine service. She wanted me to let everyone know since sewing season has begun.
I think I have covered everything for November.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Keeping You in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog, Moda the Bandit Dog, Maryanne & Mary Lou