August Newsletter

Hello friends.
It's been another rainy Summer. Mom says she's beginning to think we live in Washington or Oregon instead of Pennsylvania & New York.
It seems to stop raining long enough to mow the lawns. She says our lawns should be burnt by now.
One good thing about all this rain, it keeps my fur soft. Especially, after Mom brushes me.
It's hard to believe we're half way through Summer.
The boy tiger kitten didn't get adopted. So, I got to keep him! Mom calls him a furry terrorist because he likes to attack her feet. But I love him. He tries to grab my wagging tail and climbs over me. Sometimes, Tig even sleeps with me. His favorite past time is to pick on our black Munchkin cat and our tuxedo cat.
Since we are into August, it's time to think about starting your Christmas projects.
To help you get inspired, we're having 25% Off Christmas fabrics next week. August 5-10.
This Saturday, August 3rd is our Free Pattern and Demo Day, starting at 10am.
I'm going to give you a hint this month:
If you have difficulties matching fabric and understanding the color wheel, this is a perfect class to attend.
We have a new tab on our website that allows you to create an online account for our website. Some of the advantages of creating an account are:
1st. You can look up previous purchases to see if that fabric your short on is one you bought at our Shop and if
we still have it in stock. Especially handy for our customers that have a bit of a ride to get here.
2nd. We now have the option to buy fabric online and pick it up at the Shop. Very handy if your short on
time or in the middle of a project and need to send hubby or kids to pick up your fabric that you're
short of or goofed up a cut or two
3rd. If you need to have your fabric or notions shipped to you, you can accumulate customer reward coupons
with online purchases.
We're still trying to see if you can use customer reward coupons online. Our website provider has been adding quite a few new features and we're still learning about them. It's a work in progress.
Mom and Grandma think the coolest feature of having an online account is being able to look up what fabrics you bought before in the Shop or online.
Here is a link to our log in sign up:
FSQS Website log in
Saturday, August 10th: Sewing Machine Basic Maintenance Class 10:30a-12:30p
In this class, you will learn what you can do to keep your best friend
happy and running smoothly in between professional servicing.
We will show you where you can go and shouldn't go into your sewing
machine to do some basic cleaning out of lint and debri.
You will learn about needles, adjusting top and bottom tensions, why you
should have your sewing machine professionally serviced (cleaned) on a
regular basis, troubleshoot common problems & more.
Students are encouraged to bring in their sewing machine.
Minimum 3 Day Advanced sign up is required for this class
Seating is limited
$25 Class Fee
Monday, August 26th: National Sewing Guild Meeting 6:30pm
Sewing Guild that encompasses all forms of sewing and welcomes all sewers.
Please use right side entrance at the Shop.
Contact person: Constance Spaulding (713) 819-9151
Other Happenings around the Shop.....
New fabrics have arrived at the Shop.
Here's some of our new fabrics, there's more waiting to get into the system and onto the floor.

Christmas fabrics Henry Glass Christmas panel

Modern Moda Christmas fabrics

QT Fabrics digital Christmas/Winter panel

Timeless Treasures Lake panel Timeless Treasures Sunflower Panel

Suzybee's Giraffe Growth Chart Panel Suzybee's Giraffe Panel

A few new dog & bee prints
September 21st is National Jelly Roll Day.
We will be having Demos on using Jelly Rolls, sales, open sewing, food and more to celebrate National Jelly Roll Day.
If you would like to demo a favorite small project using Jelly Rolls on National Jelly Roll Day, we would be happy for you to join us in sharing your project. Just stop in and we will work on a time for you to present your
September 28-29: Sew Purty Workshops
Do you have a vintage sewing machine you would like to learn to restore?
Ray Elkins will be here to teach his workshop on restoring vintage sewing machines.
It a great time and Ray is a wonderful teacher and makes it a fun weekend.
This is Ray's second time coming to our Shop to teach this Workshop.
Lunch is provided on Saturday and Sunday.
You have to sign up on Sew Purty Workshops.
Sew Purty Workshops
One last reminder, Mom does service most sewing machines. If your best friend is feeling sluggish or not
cooperating, she maybe asking for a tune up.
Sevice/Cleaning $58.95 plus tax
I think I've covered everything for this month's newsletter.
Have a great rest of your Summer and I hope you come visit me soon.
I'm starving for attention. (Don't tell Mom I said that. She says I'll get her into trouble if someone actually believes me. Mom & Grandma say I get lots of attention and I shouldn't be an attention hog.)
Keeping you in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog, Moda, Maryanne & Mary Lou