Free Pattern & Demo Day and Sale for the week of March 11-16

Hello Friends!
I just wanted to send out a reminder about Free Pattern & Demo Day will be this Saturday, March 9, 2019 at 10am.
Grandma's FP&DD group is growing, so it's first come first serve.
Last month we almost ran out of seats.
April's FP&DD will be back to the first Saturday of the month.
Grandma was at Quilt Retreat last weekend.
I had to babysit Moda while Grandma was at Quilt Retreat.
She had to sleep above and on my head. Mom thought that was pretty funny. I found it hard to sleep with a little dog on my head.
Mom laughed at Moda on Sunday because she had my bunny brother loose while she cleaned his hutch and he's bigger than Moda.
Moda stayed on the sofa and away from the bunny. She didn't know to think of my bunny brother.
Moda isn't very brave.
The latest issue of Missouri Star's BLOCK magazine is in, too.

Mom said she's tired of snow, cold weather & dreary days.
So, I said, let's put our floral fabrics on sale! They're bright and cheery, just the thing to help everyone get through March.
Mom thought that was a great idea.
Next week, March 11-16, take 25% Off Regular Priced Floral Fabrics!
Our bright cheerful florals will help chase away those cold, dreary days that we call March.
One more thing I want to try.
Before Elizabeth went back to college last week, she showed me how to share patterns that Mom downloaded to her computer.
She is really good at computers. It would've taken Mom at least a week or two to figure out how to do it. Even with instructions. Elizabeth had it figured out in less than 20 minutes.
I'm going to try and put in a link to a pattern that uses our Lab puppies panel and coordinating fabrics.
Wish me luck....
By clicking on the above link, it should open the project pattern.
If successful, this will help this puppy share more free patterns available with some of our fabrics.
By the way, I really love this collection because I have a Yellow Lab sister who stays home and I have some Black Lab in me.
Mom says I have 4 breeds that are all big shedders in me. German Shepard, Black Lab, Husky and Corgi. She says every time she brushes me there's enough fur to make a litter of puppies.
I think Mom exaggerates a lot.
That's all I have for this week.
I can't wait to see my "ladies" this weekend!
I really missed all of you last weekend.
I hope to see you this Saturday or next week.
I need more ear scratches and belly rubs.
Moda says she needs some, too.
Keeping You in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog, Moda the Bandit Dog, Maryanne & Mary Lou