Black Featherweight Owners
Hello Black Featherweight Owners!
We just got in a flyer from one of our suppliers we think might interest you.
For a limited time, they have in stock the Sew Steady "Classic Table".
It is a black 17-3/4" X 22-3/4" extension table for BLACK ONLY Singer 221K Featherweights.
It has gold printed 16" metric ruler and rounded front edge.
It's made of black acrylic and includes a free polishing kit and lightstick.
Supplies are limited, we will be taking orders until December 5, 2018.
I know the offer says valid until 12-31-18 but since supplies are limited we are planning on placing our order on December 5th to make sure we can get them in time for Christmas.
Normally, you would have to special order this item from our supplier.
Since they are carrying some in stock for the Holiday Season, they will be ready for immediate delivery to our Shop as soon as we order them.
The Sew Steady extension table is $139.00.
If you would like to order one, please stop in before December 5, 2018.
There will be a Deposit of $70.00 required to order the Featherweight Sew Steady Table.
We will be placing an enmass order on December 5th for anyone who orders a Featherweight Sew Steady Table from us.
It's always our pleasure to serve you and make these specials available to you.
Yours in Fabric,
Obi the Wonder Dog, Moda, Maryanne & Mary Lou