National Jelly Roll Day Schedule

Hello Quilters!
National Jelly Roll Day is September 15th.
We have a day chuck full of fun scheduled to celebrate National Jelly Roll Day.
We are going to have hot dogs, jelly filled donut holes, jelly roll bites and drinks throughout the day or when we run out. Whichever comes first.
Save 20% Off Jelly Rolls, Jelly Roll books, & patterns.
As a bonus, get 20% off rulers used in the demos
on Saturday, September 15th.
We will have Jelly Roll Demos throughout the day, starting at 10:30. I will post the schedule at the bottom of what demos are going on and when.
With our Jelly Roll Demos, we will show you how you can use them in conjunction with practical sewing patterns in the various books and patterns available in our Shop.
Don't forget our Jelly Roll Race at 1:00pm.
You provide the jelly roll, thread and if possible sewing machine.
I have a few loaner machines available but would like to keep them available for the last minute participates, please.
There will be free jelly roll patterns throughout the day.
There will be door prizes to win!
It's going to be a fun day of jelly rolls, food, drink, free patterns and prizes!
Oh yes! let's not forget the sale on jelly rolls, jelly roll patterns and books. Plus, rulers used in the demos will be on sale.
This is going to be a fun day for quilters of all levels!
We hope you will join us on September 15th for National Jelly Roll Day!
National Jelly Roll Day is brought to us by Moda Fabrics. The inventor of the Jelly Roll. The fabric version.
Some fun Jelly Roll facts:
There is approximately 140 feet of fabric in a Jelly Roll.
It would take almost 38 jelly rolls to make a mile. (Wouldn't that be fun to see?)
The first Jelly Roll was introduced by Moda Fabrics in September 2006.
There is approximately 2-1/2 yards of fabric in a Jelly Roll.
Onto what you have been waiting for!
Our National Jelly Roll Day Event Schedule:
10:00- Shop opens for the Day.
10:30- Log Cabin, Rail Fence & Jelly Roll Braid Demos
11:30- Where's the seam allowance? Making 2-1/2" half square triangles from 2-1/2" strips.
11:45- Hot dogs go on the grill, unless you want one earlier. Mom will be happy to make you a hot dog for
breakfast if you really want one.
12:30- Strip Piecing...Daniella Stout style
1:00- Jelly Roll Race Begins!
1:30- Roman Stripes
2:00- Jelly Roll Rug
2:30- Door Prize Drawing
3:00- Shop Closes
We hope you will joining us in celebrating National Jelly Roll Day.
Stay tuned for additions and/or changes to our event.
Keeping you in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog, Maryanne & Mary Lou