December Newsletter

Hi there, quilters!
How is everyone? Are you ready for Santa Claus?
I am anxiously waiting for him to come to my house. I love getting presents. Sometimes I unwrap them, other times I let my big sister do it. She's really into unwrapping stuff. It's not always something Mom wants unwrapped, though.
What the exciting news around the Shop?
Well, I tried to chase a black and white kitty in my yard. It was a very smelly cat! It sprayed this nasty smelling stuff in my face and down my side.
Mom was not happy! Especially, since it was at 1:00 in the morning when I did this. I had to get a bath in this weird stuff Mom made up to get me to smell better. I, also, ran upstairs and jumped in Mom's bed before she could catch me and give me a bath.
The next morning, she thought she had gotten the smell out of my fur....until she and Grandma got to work. Then I hid because I didn't want to go home. Even Moda didn't want to be near me. After catching me, Mom made me go home.
I got a 2nd & 3rd bath after Mom got home. I smell much better now.
Mom said Santa is going to get me a new collar since I can't wear mine on account it smells like that cat. I have to wear my sister's hand me down collar until I get my new one.
I don't go outside after 10:00 at night anymore because I'm afraid that smelly cat might be out there.
No one would play with me. Not my sisters, my cats, or even Moda. They all said I stink and get away from them.
I would rather Santa bring me toys instead of a new collar.....
Mom really wasn't happy because she had to go buy a new pillow and mattress topper because I jumped into bed before I got my first bath.
I think I will stop chasing black and white cats. Especially, the short ones that waddle.
As for the news around the Shop....
Saturday, December 2nd, Wiggle Radio will be doing a radio remote and have their annual money tree here! You can sign up for a chance to win $100 from the Wiggle Radio Money Tree!
Last year, one of our customers won $100 when she put in for a chance while shopping here at the Shop.
PLUS, we will be having a pick your discount sale on Saturday.
We put up a Christmas Tree and hang paper ornaments.
Pick an ornament and you can get 10-20% Off your purchase of $15.00 or more.
This does not include handmade items, clearance, orphans, Arrow cabinets/chairs & sewing machines.
Wait! There's more.
With your min $15.00 purchase, you can enter to win a $25 or $10 Gift Certificate.
To make things even more exciting for Saturday, December 2nd...It's our Free Pattern and Demo Day!
Free Pattern and Demo runs from 10am-11am. Hurry in to get a seat!
From December 1-22, you can save up to $125 on select Necchi sewing machines.
We have locally handmade quilt ladders and free standing quilt racks available at the Shop. They are made by a retired cabinet maker and are very high quality and at fabulous prices.
December 2nd: FREE PATTERN AND DEMO DAY Learn a new technique and how to make the first block
of the pattern. Get a free Pattern.
Door prize and light refreshments
December 9th: OPEN SEWING It's a mini-retreat. Come in and use this time to finish your projects
without interruptions. Lunch included. 10a-2p $25.00
We hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
Mom says if your sewing machine gives you problems while trying to get your Christmas sewing projects done, she will be available. She tries to get all sewing machines repaired and/or cleaned and ready for pick up within 2-3 days, depending on how many sewing machines have come in. Don't struggle with or force your sewing machine. She is here to help you up and running ASAP.
I think I've covered everything.
I'm going to go curl up with Moda and take a nap.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, everyone!
I hope Santa brings you some great toys!
I'm getting my toy list ready.
Keeping you in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog, Moda the Bandit, Maryanne & Mary Lou