Tomorrow is Demo Day

Hi all!
Obi here!
Oh yeah, Moda is here, too. She thinks she's going to write something, too.
Tomorrow, Saturday, October 7th at 10a is our Free Pattern and Demo Day!
Grandma will be showing you how to make the first block on your free pattern tomorrow.
She also has some tasty smelling treats for afterwards.
She wouldn't let me taste test them for you, no matter how I tried to convince her. She wouldn't let Moda taste test them, either. We're a little bummed out by that.
But, we will be happy to help you eat the treats tomorrow morning!

Ok, here's Moda with some news, too.
Hi everybody!
Oh, boy! I get to help with the email!
Right, back to what I need to tell you.
A reminder that the Hurricane Quilts are due Friday, October 20th.
If you would like to make a Hurricane Quilt for the Texas Harvey Survivors, we still have 1 throw and 3 craft size battings available.
Just a reminder, there is a $10 cash deposit for each quilt batting.
You will get your $10 returned to you when you turn in your Hurricane Quilt.
If you don't turn in your quilt, the money will be used to buy gift certificates for the Harvey survivors to help them out with supplies.
Also, Maryanne has a connection with a man from TN. that will come up and teach a class on restoring Vintage Sewing Machines. You have to have a vintage sewing machine to work on.
If your interested, please talk to Maryanne next time your in the Shop.
Gotta go! Lunch is here! Oh, Boy!
Heavy sigh.
That's all for today, folks.
Our discontinued Northcott Fabrics are still 35% Off with a Min. 1 yard cut until Saturday, October 14th. Be sure to stop in and pick some up.
I'm off to supervise lunch.
Have a great weekend!
Keeping you in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog and Moda