Class Schedule Changes and Upcoming Sales

Hello Friends!
We have a change in May's Class Schedule.
We have added the following class:
Saturday, May 27th
Maintaining your Sewing Machine
A sewing machine is a big investment and your best and probably favorite friend.
Some of you may have your Grandma's or Mom's sewing machine. Some of you have your first sewing
machine that a relative, spouse or you bought for you.
Maryanne will show you what you can do to keep your best friend or family heirloom in good running
condition and to keep your repair costs down. There are some basic cleaning and oiling that you can do to
keep your sewing machine healthy and dependable.
She will go over vintage and modern sewing machines.
Feel free to bring in a sewing machine with you.
The Class will be from 10:30a-12:30p Class Fee: $10
If you have purchased a Necchi Sewing Machine from Friendship Star Quilt Shop, the class is free of charge.
The second exciting event coming to the Shop is:
May 17-20, 2017
25% Off Storewide
***excludes Necchi sewing machines, Arrow cabinets and chairs, handmade items and clearance items***
^^^Other coupons or sales discounts do not apply during this sales event^^^
Grab your leash and come on in to sign up for our new class and stop in to check out our big sale next week.
We look forward to seeing you!
Keeping you in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog,Maryanne, Mary Lou & Moda