January Newsletter

Happy New Year!
It's a time for new beginnings and projects.
We are back in the Shop, refreshed and ready to get 2017 started.

I am really happy to be back to work. I spent my week off holding the sofa and bed down. Oh, yeah, I picked on and played with my doggie sisters and chased my kitty sisters, too. The cats get annoyed when I try to play chase with them. I just don't understand why they don't want to play with me. My dog sisters like to play with me. We play tug-a-war, wrestle and chase each other around the house and back yard. But the cats, well, they're just not much fun. My sisters and I got lots of presents from Santa and have destroyed a few of them already. They weren't very tough toys. My favorite is a big stuffed tiger who is soft and squishy. I use my tiger to sleep on when I'm not playing with it. Mom likes to sleep with it, too. Not that she has much choice....
To start off 2017, we are having 30% Off Christmas fabrics until January 14th. We have our new Christmas fabrics for 2017 on order and need to make room when they come in later this year.
We will be having our Free Pattern and Demo Day this Saturday, January 7th.
The Sewing Machine Doctor will be here Thursday, January 12th. He will be here from 10:30a-12Noon and requires a check made out to "Jack Sutliffe" in the amount of $53.00. All sewing machines will be cleaned and ready to go by 12Noon, unless he notifies you otherwise. We highly recommend you label your sewing machine, foot pedal and case (if you bring a case) with your name , address and telephone number.
We don't have any Winter Classes scheduled at this time.
Mom is still working on getting some Sewing Machines into the Shop. She ran into some problems that she had no control over and will be attempting to get in touch with the company directly. She's hoping she will have better luck if she contacts the company directly.
Keep an eye on your emails and local papers for some exciting up coming sales events.
We will be having our 2nd annual Winter Follies Passport Event again this year. More on that to come.
Are you ready for the next Fabric Challenge Project?
We are going to do table runners again this time around.
You can pick up your fabric swatches from Monday, January 9-14.
The Fabric Challenge Project will be due by February 11th.
The rules:
1. Mom will give you two swatches of fabric.
2. No, you can't switch fabrics with your buddies. You have to use what Mom gives you.
3. You can use up to 4 other fabrics in addition to your swatches.
4. Both swatches of FCP fabric must be in your table runner.
5. You can use any pattern or make up your own for your FCP table runner.
6. Have fun and think outside the box.
The finished Fabric Challenge Project table runners will be put up on display from February 13-18. Winners will be determined by popular vote.
You can have family and friends come in to vote.
The table runners will be donated to local nursing homes.
I think I've covered everything.
Have a great 2017!
We will see you soon!
Keeping you in Stitches,
Obi the Wonder Dog, Maryanne & Mary Lou