December Newsletter

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
I know I'm a day late but I am a dog and reading the calendar correctly isn't my best trick.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mom & Grandma went to a relative's house for Thanksgiving and didn't even bring me back any turkey. The nerve of them. I though Grandma would've slip me some at work today but she didn't.
For an added insult, this is the photo Mom took and sent out to everyone as her Thanksgiving Facebook card.
I was not happy and had to be bribed heavily with dog treats.
Well, on a different bone, here is what's happening around the Shop for this weekend!
For our quilting friends who can stop in, Saturday is Small Business Saturday.
To celebrate, we are having 25% Off Christmas and there may be a surprise sales item or two on Saturday.
We also are having an UFO Day where you quilters can come in to relax, sew and get a project or two done without interruption before the Holiday Stress begins.
There will be treats and drinks available to keep you energized while you sew.
I will volunteer to taste test any treats you may need to have taste tested. Mom says "NO CHOCOLATE TASTE TESTING!" Her orders, not mine.
If your stuck on a project, bring it in and work on it. Maybe another person may see what's making you stuck.
I almost forgot, Finish Your UFO Day will be from 10a-3:30p. Sorry, I got thinking about cookies.
December is going to be a busy month. We have lots going on!
Fabric Challenge Projects are due by Monday, December 7th. Customer voting will be from December 8-14. Come in and check out & vote for your favorite FCP!
Our winners are chosen by popular vote.
We should have several FCP's coming in! We are very excited about how many folks signed up this time around! The competition should be pretty stiff on this Challenge!
December 5th:
Wiggle FM Remote will be here with their money tree for part of the day
Enter for a chance to win a Friendship Star Quilt Shop $50 Gift Certificate with a
25% Off Christmas Fabrics
Look for more savings in the Shop
We will also have a booth at the Craft Fair located at the Sayre VFW on West Lockhart
St. behind Kennedy's Pools and Spas. The Craft Fair is sponsored by the Valley Women's
Business Network. The VWBN gives out 3 $500 scholarships to 3 area high school
seniors going on to study business. A scholarship is awarded to 1 student from Athens,
Sayre and Waverly High Schools. Stop by and help out the VWBN to raise money for
their scholarships. There will be approximately 45 vendors in attendance.
I will be in the Shop on this day, hanging out with my buddy, Mead, from Wiggle FM, Grandma,
and Liz. Mom & Denise will be at the Craft Show.
December 12th:
Free Demo & Pattern Day 10a-11a.
More treats and coffee or tea. Again, I offer my services as a taste tester this day.
Here are some sneak peeks at this Demo. (hint: A ruler will be Demo'd)
Remember to stop by and pick up your ticket for the door prize and if you attended
November's FD&PD, bring in a finished project from that demo for a door prize.
You may want to stop in and get a ticket beforehand. This class may fill up fast!
We are limited to 12 people to have seats. Everyone after that has to stand.
Since the following weekend is Christmas. We tentatively have a lesson on making a Christmas Bag.
If you need a gift bag, come in and Grandma will show you how to whip one up. Bring your own 1/2 yard of fabric or pick some up here. It's a free lesson.
We will be closing at 12 Noon on Christmas Eve and will closed until January 4, 2016 for Inventory.
Here is some new fabrics that have appeared at the Shop:
Just look at all of these adorable baby animals Some basic neutrals with stars
a cute little animal panel and it's coordinating fabric
Last but not least....
Our Show and Tell for December!
This quilt is made by Heather C. for her son. She will be using 2 of the Tonka Playmat panels we have in stock to put in the middle of the quilt so he can play with his cars on it when he's not sleeping under it.
We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Keep your stitches straight and may Santa bring you lots of fabric, thread, cutters, rulers and gift certificates for Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your friends,
Obi Wan the Wonder Dog, Maryanne, Mary Lou, Liz and Denise