Our Columbus Day Mini Retreat

We want to say a big "Thank You" to the ladies who donated fabric and pillow cases for the Janet Weis Children's Hospital. And a big "Thank You" to all the ladies who joined us for our Columbus Day Mini Retreat to make pillow cases for the children at Janet Weis Children's Hospital.
We had lots of great food, conversation and fun on Monday. Everyone had a great time.
We ended up with 100 pillow cases to take down to Janet Weis Children's Hospital. The hospitalized children will love and appreciate them. Each child picks out a pillow case when they are admitted into the hospital. Sometimes, they are allowed to pick out a pillow case for their siblings. Especially, around Christmas time. The pillow cases really help brighten the children's stay and their hospital room. It's amazing what one pillow case can do to help a sick child.
On a lighter note, Obi was very sneaky at lunch time. He went into the kitchen with someone & just stayed in the kitchen when she left. He then helped himself to a half a pound of deli ham and some Swiss cheese.When I caught him, he was deciding between more cheese or M&Ms. He pulled the same stunt later in the day and helped himself to some summer sausage. Even though he's short, Obi is long enough to reach the counter.
Here are the photos from the Retreat. Unfortunately, one of the ladies had to leave early & I missed her in the photos.
We hope you enjoy the photos and will consider joining us next Columbus Day for another Pillow Case Mini Retreat.

Thank you, again, to everyone who helped us beat our former goal of 85 pillow cases made in one day!
Everyone's help and donations were greatly appreciated and we were happy our retreaters could join us.
Thank you!
The Geiss, Palmer, and Barnes Family
Friendship Star Quilt Shop