Hi everyone!
It's Obi, again.
It's hard to believe it's time for the November newsletter.
Time's flying away on a broomstick.
It's seems like it was just a few weeks ago I started at the Quilt Shop. It was warm & sunny outside & I had green grass to roll in.
The upside to all of the leaves falling down is that I've got lots of leaves to chase! They go so fast when the wind blows hard.
I also love to run through the leaves. They make the coolest noise when I run really fast through them.
This Summer, when I first came to the the Shop I was just a little guy.
I'm a big boy, now. Mom says so. Boy, how times flies! Just like the leaves.
Mom says I'm just the right size. Not too big to be knocking people over and not too small to be getting underneath people's feet. I still have my big feet, though. They get in my way sometimes.
Enough about me, on to the newsletter!
Mom said to put in that we're going to do the Fabric Challenge this month.
For newbies, like me, this is how it works:
Mom, Grandma or Liz will give you 2 random pieces of fabric & you have to make a wall hanging no smaller than 24"x24" and no bigger than 30"x30". You have to use both fabrics somewhere in the wall hanging.
You can pick up your fabrics from Monday, November 3rd - Tuesday, November 11th.
All Fabric Challenge projects need to be turned in by Saturday, January 3, 2015.
Winners will be determined by customers' votes. Voting will be Monday, January 5-9, 2015.
The top 3 Winners all get a prize & it's free to join in!
It a good way to help you think & create outside your comfort zone.
We have some classes coming up for November:
11/1- Turkey Wall hanging. This is a turkey that can be made into a wall hanging, pot holder, hot pad, or whatever you want it to be. We highly recommend using Insul-brite in it if your going to use it for hot stuff. 10A-2P $49.00
11/8- Christmas Tree Runner. This holiday table runner is an easy project. It's a row of trees on
both sides of the top of the runner. (Grandma is putting the binding on the sample now)
10A-12NOON $49.00
11/12- Christmas Tree Runner. Same as the above. This one is an evening class on a Wednesday.
6P-8P $49.00
11/15- Double Irish Chain. Learn how to make the Double Irish Chain. You know you want to.
It would make a wonderful Christmas present for someone special.
10A-4P $49.00
Our November Sales will be:
20% OFF Christmas fabrics
15% OFF "Take A Stand" against bullying fabric with teacher's ID
50% Off Solid Fabrics (except black, red & white)
25% Off Books
Back by request for this Christmas----Christmas Wish List Register
It's easy to do:
Come in & ask for an index card
Put your name on the card
Write your Wish List
Hand it back to us.
Send husband to buy your presents
We will be having a Husband's Shopping Night in December so you can send hubby out to do all his shopping in one night.
We will have refreshments for them. (sorry, no beer & pretzels)
More on that coming up later in November.
ONE DAY BLOWOUT SALE on Saturday, November 1st.
Stop in & stock up on your stash!
I'll be here to greet you and will except all belly rubs, ear scratches & any other positive attention you give me.
Oh yeah, Mom, Grandma & Liz will be here, too. They don't like belly rubs & ear scratches, though. They get a little testy about that....
Since Thanksgiving is this month, Jack the Sewing Machine Doctor, will only be here on Thursday, November 9th.
He is here from 10:30a-12:30p.
Remember (it's very important) he requires a check for $53.00 (it went up 5 cents & includes tax) made out to "Jack Sutliffe". We do not accept credit or debit card payments for Jack. Nor does Jack accept credit or debit card payments.
You may drop off your sewing machine the week he comes & your machine needs to be picked up within 5 days of Jack working on it.
We suggest you put a return address label & your phone number on your machine. This helps Jack & us to identify your machine. Sometimes we get a lot of machines in & it can get confusing identifying machines & their owners.
All machines are done on the same day, unless, Jack calls you & tells you it needs more work.
Jack is an independent contractor & we only give him the space to work. All questions need to be directed to Jack.
We hope this helps to answer questions folks may have in regards to The Sewing Machine Doctor.

We all hope everyone has a Safe & Happy Thanksgiving!
Obi, Maryanne, Mary Lou & Liz