January Newsletter

Hello quilting friends!
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
As you already know, we've got 30% OFF all of our solid fabrics for the month of January & we're having a 12 day sale of something different every day.
Friday's Sale will be 25% OFF Sew Easy Ruler Cutter. The Ruler Cutter is a ruler with a rotary cutter attached to it. I was using one in the Shop but I keep forgetting to put a new blade in the cutter. It take some getting used to but I do like using here in the Shop. That is when I remember to put a fresh blade in it. It gives you a very accurate cut & elimnates the need of separate rotary cutter
Mom is still not in the Shop. She's had some set backs with her ankle. The Doctor said she is to stay home until she is healed enough to put some weight on it.
We are hoping to resume Classes in February. We won't know until at least January 21st when she goes back to the Doctor.
Just to let you know. On days when the temperture dips to extremely cold weather conditions like last Tuesday we will not be open. We are unable to use our bathroom when in extremely cold conditions. Our land lord controls the heat in the bathroom and has it set somewhere around 50 degrees judging by the feel of it. There is also no insulation in there, so it's a bit drafty as well. It's just too cold in the water closet to use it without risking frostbite during these extremely weather conditions.
We have gotten quite a bit of new fabric in since the New Year started. Including, a lot of new batiks, blenders & some beautiful fabric with pansies & a touch of gold metallic. The coordinating fabrics for the pansy fabric is gorgous as well!
Starting sometime in January, we will start receiving shipments of Northcott's Shimmer Collection.
Coming in early Spring, we will have a 9 block Block of the Month using Quilting Treasures fabric & BOM patterns. We have a poster of the BOM quilt to give a sneek peek of what's coming.
The Sewing Doctor will be back in our Shop on January 23rd if your sewing machine needs a cleaning or repairs. He was going to discontinue coming to Sayre but his wife told him he couldn't do that. He may, however, start cutting back how often he comes in the future. I'm not sure what his exact plans are at this time.
This winter is looking it's going to be a good quilting winter. We hope everyone stops to visit and see our new fabrics.
Burrow in & get out the needle & thread.
Mary Lou & Maryanne
Friendship Star Quilt Shop