Merry Christmas Quilters!
We hope you have your Christmas projects almost done. If you need to whip a last minute Christmas Present, we have Eleanor Burns' In The Pines Pattern & Log Cabin Christmas Tree Wall Hanging. Both of which are fast projects. We also have some Christmas Book kits for kids. We also have Northcott's Starry Night Christmas Tree Kits. They are available in Green & Red.
We have several stocking stuffers available to give to your quilting friends. We have the Quilter's Emergency Kit, Quilt inspired pens, thimble pin cushion necklaces, scissor/rotary cutter fobs,fat quarters & hand-dyed fabrics in mason jars, Sewline gift set & individual pens, pencils, etc. Just to name a few.
We now carry fusible fleece and have a few Quilter's Dream Wool batting coming in. The wool batting is limited until we know how well it sells. If it's a big hit, we will stock more that a couple of several sizes.
For the month of December, all panels, books, and patterns will be 30% Off.
It's a good time to come in a make your Christmas List for Santa.
We have Gift Certificates available, too!
We will Close on December 24th at 12Noon and reopen on Thursday, January 2, 2014.
For December, the Shop will be closed from around 3:00p - 3:45p while I go pick up kids from school. Unless, Mom is in the Shop. She has been coming in on occasion but still not full time.
Except for December 1 & 2, the kids are still off for deer season.
Mom is doing well after her surgery. She has her knee scooter to help her get around. Look both ways before stepping out from the aisles if she's in the Shop. We don't want anyone to get run over.
We are looking to start Classes again in January. If you are interested in teaching a class, please, stop in & talk to us about what class you would like to teach. It's still going to be hard for Mom to teach classes on her knee scooter for the first few months of the new year.
We would also like to extend a Big Thank You to those who came out to support us on Small Business Saturday.
Have a Safe and Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year, too.
We'll see you in the Shop.
Maryanne & Mary Lou (now known as "Wheels" or "Hot Rod" by her children)