November Newsletter

This is the time of year that we think about giving thanks for all the things we have: family, friends, and fabric. We are thankful for our customers and hope that you are thankful for a local quilt shop with a large variety of fabrics.
During the month of November, all Christmas fabric is 30% off, so if you haven't gotten your fabric for your Christmas sewing, now is the time to stop in.
Other sales:
20% off all Gypsy products during the week of November 11-16. This includes the Gypsy Gripper (for your rulers, especially helpful if you have some arthritis in your hands), the Gypsy Sit Upon (this saves my back while sewing), and the Gypsy cutting gizmo (cut apart your strip piecing quickly and safely.)
Our annual After Black Friday sale is November 30. Storewide sales 15% off with the exception of the Christmas fabric which is 30% off all through November.
Our Winter hours are Monday-Thursday, 10 am to 5 pm, Friday 10 am to 6 pm, Saturdays 10 am to 4 pm.
NOTICE of early closing/shop closing:
We will be closing at noon on Saturday, November 9. Maryanne is taking me to see Jeanne Robertson in person for my birthday. If you have never heard Jeanne, a motivational speaker and former Miss North Carolina, go to her website or go to YouTube and type " Jeanne Robertson " in the search box. You'll laugh until tears run down your legs.
The shop will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 12 and 13 as I will be having surgery on my ankle. Maryanne will be taking care of me when I come home on the 13th. She'll reopen the shop on Thursday, November 14, after she gets done acting as my nurse. (She'll probably be tired of waiting on my by then.)
CLASSES: Classes will resume in January when I'm back on feet. I think everyone will be getting ready for the holidays and probably won't have time to take a class. Come January and February we will all be ready for a new project. I've already told Deb that I will teach the Lone Star. I took the class from Jacqui Paltrineri and she makes it soooo easy. Thanks Jacqui.
Quilt 'til you wilt...
Mary Lou